Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Big Day!

July 6, 2012....The day started off with pouring rain, but by noon it had cleared up and we could enjoy the whole day as we planned.

 almost ready!

It is quite the feeling to see your daughter stand before you in her wedding dress!

Almost Ready

 Getting the flowers

 setting the tables

 It was so wonderful to have our families get together and pray for Lindsey & Brandon's wedding and for their life together.
 proud parents
 some quiet moments

High Gear

The month of June also brought Lindsey and Brandon to us.  Oh how great it was to see them again!  With their arrival we moved into high gear as we prepared for their wedding.


The month of June brought my brother and his wife for a visit.  It was so much fun to see them and give them a glimpse into our every day life.  Mostly they were a huge help as we were in full gear for the wedding, but we did also manage to find a few opportunities to do some fun things.


The month of May starts the winding down of the school year at Black Forest Academy.  One of the highlights is the Junior-Senior Banquet.  The 11th grade class hosts this banquet in honour of the graduates. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hard at work!

Danny is leading two worship concerts in our home church this weekend. 
 He called for a choir and people came out to practice.  Hard work but great fun!

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Market

What great fun it was to wander through the markets and see the variety of things being offered.  At first, I wondered if I would enjoy shopping at the market, but it didn't take long for the sights and sounds to draw me in.  It was so full of life.  There was everything  from fresh oranges to chicken feet and a thousand things in between.